Monday, May 24, 2010

End of Week 18!

My beautiful bride earning her keep as she should ;)

Actually her feet are starting to swell and she was trying to elevate her feet while she was cooking.

Week 18 from wifey's Prego Tracker site brings the following:

"Your baby measures about 5.2 to 6 inches (13-15cm) from crown to rump and weighs about 7 ounces (200g).

The buds for the permanent teeth are forming behind those that have already developed for the first teeth.

Your baby's nervous system and brain development continue at a spectacular pace. By this week, your baby's motor neurons, which connect muscle to the brain, have grown into place so that your baby can consciously direct her movements. Millions of neurons inside your baby's brain are growing and forming connections and the nerves in her body are being covered in a fatty substance called myelin.

Your baby's ears are now placed on the sides of her head and her limbs are now in proportion. Your baby's tiny foot is just one inch long, but is in perfect proportion to the rest of her leg.

Your baby can hear your voice and recognize it."

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Saturday Fun

Ash and I had a really hard time getting up Saturday morning. The night before I met up with some old friends. I saw Chad McGillivray, Ben McClelland, and Johnny Green. Johnny was down to watch Ben graduate from college. Congrats Ben! Ben was signing in some lawyer's band.

Saturday morning/lunch we left to go see Ashley M. Fontenot graduate from McNeese. Congrats Ash! We didn't really make it to the actual graduation, but we did make it to Pat's of Henderson in Lake Charles. Chloe was my at party entertainment. See below :)

After lunch Ash was complaining about her shoes being tight. I don't know why...

Somebody needs to lay off the salt....

The rest of the day Ash and I met up with Hahn, Kat, and Lily for some BAM fun. We then to the Mall got Ash some shoes and had super.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Jenna's Confirmation

On the way to Jenna's Confirmation today we heard a loud pop. See below. Hopefully the insurance will be kind.

We did finally make it to Jenna's Confirmation. Ashley was her younger sister's sponsor for Confirmation and Ashley did awesome (So did you Jenna!) Ashley was able to sit through the 2 hour long mass without having to get up to go to the bathroom once.

What a trooper. See picture below. She's even smiling about it.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Week 17 and 1 Day

Week 17 brings the following from Pregnancy Tracker:

"Your baby weighs about 5.25 ounces (150g) and now measures 5 to 5.6 inches (12.5 to 14cm) from crown to rump. He is practicing breathing by gulping amniotic fluid into its lungs. This helps the lung's development so they will function at birth. Your baby may also be sucking his thumb.

Meconium is present in your baby's bowels. There is hair present on your baby's scalp and sweat glands are developing.

Your baby is becoming more sensitive to the outside world and is moving around, kicking and punching. As there is still plenty of space in your uterus, your baby can move around a lot, sitting cross-legged, reclining or even turning somersaults!

He can probably hear by now as the ossicles (the bones that pass sound to the inner ear) have hardened and the portion of the brain that receives signals from the brain is under development. Your baby is getting used to the sound of your heartbeat and blood passing through the umbilical cord, but may be startled by loud noises. Your baby is aware of some things in the outside world, including sounds and light. If you let the sun shine on your belly, your baby may be able to perceive a warm red glow."

Below you will see an ultrasound from today's visit with Dr. Scroggs. Ash and I were hoping that we would be able to see what the sex of the babies were; however, the babies were being a bit difficult. We should be able to find out in two more weeks when we meet with the specialists from Baton Rouge. Click here for link to YouTube.

Monday, May 3, 2010

A Week In Review

Ash and I had a very busy week last week.

We met Mr. and Mrs. Vu and our Godchild too! Ash and I went to Lake Charles and got her a new maternity dress. She is really cute in it. We called Hahn and Katherine and met them at Books-A-Million and boy is Lily getting big. She is able to hold herself up and seems to be quite the happy baby.

The next day we watched Ashley's oldest younger sister play softball. See an action vid below or click here.

Hackberry had got 2nd place in their division. Way to go Jenna!

Sunday Ash and I went to Lake Arthur and went to Jenna and Patrick's B-Day. They made gumbo and had a cookie cake too! I was the party horse for ChloƩ, she road around in the house on my back, and man is that floor hard.

Fun with Snakes!

Today around 11:00 A. M. Ash called me about finding a surprise in the backyard.

After going back and forth with Animal Control, my Dad, Farmer's Mercantile, and my wife I decided to call Shangri La and tell them to get their snake out of my backyard. To my astonishment they said that they may could do that for us! Shangri La put me on hold and when they got back told me that they were short staffed; however, I could call the Reptile Experts in Orange and they would come out and remove the snake from my yard most likely for FREE!! I asked who they were and was told that it was Cody. I quickly pieced together that it was one of my co-worker's brothers. I called my co-worker and got Cody's cell. Cody with Reptile Experts knows his snakes. He says that in the pictures above you will find a Hybridized Texas Rat Snake that is most likely the product of a Texas Rat Snake and a King Snake. Cody came by-answered all of my wife's questions and put her mind to rest. He even crawled underneath our house to see if he could find the snake! Thanks Cody!