Monday, April 26, 2010

Toys That I Want

Everyone wants toys. Well here are some of the toys that I want.

The Microsoft Courier is mostly what I believe to be vaporware, but the videos that you can find at Engadget are really enticing. Albeit borderline impossible for the current technology that is available today. The real challenge will be making the MS Courier run as smooth as it does in the demonstration videos. AND yes I do realize that the videos are more of a graphical presentation of what the device could do, not the actual device being used.

That device would help out innumerably in the work place. The ability to have an infinite journal is mind numbing; however, companies are going to have to disable the internet infinite journal and go with the intranet infinite journal for all of those intellectual property needs.

The HP Slate. This is more realistic than the mythical unicorn listed above. A couple of concerns though. I am afraid that the HP Slate won't be any more powerful than my Acer Aspire One Netbook. I am also afraid that the touch responsiveness will be laking-don't get me wrong, I am thinking about buying alotta HP stock very soon. While the potential for this device to be sluggish and unresponsive there are much more saving qualities to be had from a device such as this. I'd love to turn the HP Slate into a company computer that I can install a program to look at plant data on as well as be able to carry it with me much more portably than a laptop at the plant. And then there is Flash.

IPAD. No Flash =( But those things are sexy. A multi-media capable device sounds very enticing, but the price is just not feasible especially when I can get the functionality out of the HP Slate that should be arriving any day now.

ShowWX. I have been talking up this company for the past three years. Hoping and wishing that their technology would make it into a cell phone. The technology in that device is simply amazing. Check out PicoP projection with the lasers and the mirrors. That is some neato stuff. A bit pricey though. Not very encouraging. Will have to wait for some time before I am able to get my hands on one of those.

Last but not least - A powerful pc. I have been writing a game and have been collecting data for my game for almost a year now. I bought an Intous 4 pen tablet; to my dismay I don't have a PC strong enough to be able to use the device with an art program ;( And then there is that slight drawing ability that I need to jump the hurdle on.

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