Wednesday, October 6, 2010

No news was good news...

Today Ashley and I met with neurology at New Orleans Children's Hospital. It was determined by the two attending doctors following Claire's case that she needs to have a VP shunt installed. Her procedure will be performed tomorrow morning at approximately 8:30 A. M. We are A bit nervous about the procedure; however, we do understand that this is a necessary procedure for Claire--we have been noticing some changes in her physical appearance as well as behavior. Her frontal fontanel shows signs of increased intra cranial pressure. Her eyes are also appearing to get a bit more lazy. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

In other news Daria Therese is doing very well. She is feeding, kicking, crying, and screaming just as she should. Ashley came up to NOLA yesterday and is staying with me at the RMH.

Best Regards,

J. D. and Ashley

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