Monday, June 28, 2010

24 Week Mark Coming up!

Hi All. I see that I've had a few hits since the last time Ash and I have posted anything.

Everything has been going very well for our girls. So those of you that voted girls... ahem... FRED... you were right! We are very excited and have been tossing names back and forth. We are thinking Daria and Claire or Claire and Kailyn.

The babies as of Thursday the 24th were weighing in at approximately 1.5 pounds each. This is great! Typically with a singleton pregnancy at this point one baby weighs 1 lbs 2 onces.

We still have alot to do. We need to finish our nursery as well as get past the baby shower which means finishing registering. Ash and I spent 6 hours the other day in Target at Lake Charles. We ended up running into Jason and Kayla Bellard and they hooked us up with some cloth diapers. Thanks Jason and Kayla!

As far as the nursery goes we are still in the process of deciding where to put the baby paraphernalia as well as what colors to paint the room. Ash and I are starting to get overwhelmed.

Below is a video from Dr. Scrogg's Office or Click Here.

Below are some pics from the specialist.